Karsten Schuhl is based in Berlin and works with sound & vibrations, physical matter, and sensor-actuator networks, investigating the connective thread in the explorative processes of artistic and design-based research. He strongly emphasises physical artefacts as agents for interaction and sense-making by creating multi-sensory experiences to elicit moments of awe and situations of "!".
As an artist, designer, and researcher, his work aims to bend and decontextualise perspectives and shift perception to explore patterns, details, and intricacies of the daily to reveal hidden values and instil a sense of wonder.
Past works, collaborations, and installations have partly been funded by the Council for the Arts at MIT, the New European Bauhaus initiative / WORTH Projects, and museums and institutions such as the Barbican Centre in London and the Atonal Festival in Berlin.
Currently, he is investigating how to actively manage sonic-spatial perception based on material, geometric and kinetic principles alone. He holds an M.A. in Product Design and an M.Sc. in Media Arts and Sciences from the MIT Media Lab.